The question and description text should be aligned with the answer options.
When no logo is used in the questionnaire and the text is aligned in the center using HTML <center>, this works fine. The text is neatly centered above the answer text(s).
But when a logo is used, the area in which the text is displayed ‘moves’ over to the right and the HTML <center> function can’t be used anymore to align the text with the answers.
Please make it a page setting to align the question and description text so that it is centered above the answer text(s).
Mariah Marins Sant'Anna
The question and description text should be aligned with the answer options.
When no logo is used in the questionnaire and the text is aligned in the center using HTML <center>, this works fine. The text is neatly centered above the answer text(s).
But when a logo is used, the area in which the text is displayed ‘moves’ over to the right and the HTML <center> function can’t be used anymore to align the text with the answers.
Please make it a page setting to align the question and description text so that it is centered above the answer text(s).
See the attachment for examples.