And not just dates, but also Number formats so Excel can calculate with he exported data.
This would be very helpful. The same goes for amounts.
Also, check this when using different calculations types (percentage for example) and when exporting decimals what decimal seperator is used so Excel can read it as a decimal seperator.
Absolutely agree, and I would also like to have open comments in a readable format (e.g. wrap text and broader columns), to make the Excel user-ready.
Peter Franken
I recently received a ticket from one of our customers about the Excel export functionality on our platform. At the moment, when the Excel export button is used to export data, all the fields are formatted as General.
The client would like to have the columns with dates in them to already be formatted as being Date. This would make it easier for clients to do further anaylsis on the data without having to make these changes themselves.
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