This article provides you with a short description of the layout of the User List screen and summarizes the actions you can perform here.

The User List is a list of all people that make use of your portal. This list gives you a fast and pointed overview of the status, roles and access of all users. This is also the screen where you can add new users to your portal, delete them and dig a little deeper in the separate profiles of each user.

As a standard, the User List is alphabetized by username in a descending order. The search function offers you the possibility to quickly look up users based on their name or email address. It is also possible to make use of filters to be able to sort by email address or when you want to look at who recently has logged in. Click the arrow next to the column title and make the preferred selection.

If a user profile needs to undergo a certain action, you can select the designated user by checking the box in front of the username. If you wish to select all users on the page, please use the top checkbox next tot he column titles.

De User List also offers you the possibility to add new users separately or via an import, make an export of these users or to take actions, such as removing a user, sending out a password reactivation link, sending an activation email or notifying a certain user.

  • Do all users get selected by checking the “select all” box?

No, all user on this page get selected. If your User List spans over more than one page, you can navigate to the next page by clicking the desired page number at the bottom right of the page. Here you will see the users haven’t been selected yet. This is a safety measure so you can only take action on users you are able to view. Please note: The program remembers the selection. If you turn to another page, the names that you have checked on the previous page, remain selected!

  • Search and select

In this case, too, the program remembers the selection. If you have selected a couple of names, based on a search and you erase this search, the selected names will still be remembered. Please remember to uncheck them.