Once you have successfully created and saved your blog, it is time to publish it so everyone can read it. There are a couple of ways to do this:

The first option is to click on the Edit icon in the Action column behind your article.

The Blog update editor will appear.

If needed, you can make some final adjustments and click the Update button. And when you are ready to share your blog with other, simply hit Publish and you're done! 

Another way to publish blogs is to select one or more items on the Blog list page by selecting the checkboxes in the first column.

Your now able to click on the Bulk action button to publish your selected items. (The Bulk Action button also provides you with an option to delete your selected items.)
Now your blog articles are published, as indicated in the status column:

Have you published a blog that wasn't ready yet? Don't worry, you can unpublish or correct your blog in seconds. 

Simply click on the Edit icon to open the Update blog editor and scroll to the bottom.

You are able to either Unpublish your blog, or you can make some adjustments and Update your article. 

Please note: will be only reflected in your blog list, the article created by you and this information is also valid for edit and unpublish.

Also note: whenever you Publish a blog the users in your account will automatically receive a notification to bring the blog to their attention. This will make sure they are always up to date on the latest!