The Log tab is the place where you can find a confirmation of the result of your mapped data or manually edited records. All actions with regards to mapped data are logged for reference and are available for review in the Log tab. 

Table of contents:


The following information is available in the overview:

Name: This reflects the name of the import source from which the data was mapped. In case this is a manual action, this will be presented as "Records updated".

Date & Time: This is a timestamp of the exact moment the import was mapped into the project.

Status: This confirms if the import was processed successfully or if the import has failed.

Total number of records: The total number of records that was offered to be mapped into this project.

Succeed records: The number of records that has been successfully mapped into your data garden in this specific action.

Failed Records: The number of records that failed to be mapped.

User stamp: This reflects the user account from which the import was initiated.

Action: This provides you with a downloadable file with details about the import attempt. If the file import is failed then this download icon comes in handy to check the exact error message. 

The Name, Date & Time, Status and User Stamp columns can be sorted from A-Z and Z-A by clicking on the column header. If you would like to search the import log or place a filter, these columns allow for that as well. Just click the funnel icon next to the column header of the particular column you would like to search or filter on.

Log reports

At the top right corner, you can add one or more users as a recipient of log reports.

For every successful mapping, users added to this list get a notification in their user profile with the result

For every unsuccessful mapping, users added to this list get a notification in their user profile as well as heads-up via email.

This functionality will make sure you keep up to date with any data that is added to your data garden.

Log file

By pressing the download icon underneath the action button, you will receive an export in your download folder that provides you with a more detailed explanation of what happened during a certain event.

If you download the logfile of a log record in the database it will look something like this (click image to enlarge):

The logfile will provide you with the following information:

Name: The name of the file.

Records: The number of records that were in there.

DateTime: The time the import attempt was made.

UserStamp: The user that made the import attempt.

TotalRecords: How many records were part of the import.

SuccesfulRecords: How many records were successfully imported.

FailedRecords: How many records were not successfully imported.

Message: The reason why the import failed. 

Action, ModifiedDate, ImportType and UniqueID are left blank as they are not relevant for this type of logfile.

In the screenshot above you will see that all 10 records that were offered to the project "Customer Feedback" through the importsource "Storedata" were successfully mapped into the database.

If you download the logfile of manually updated records, the logfile will provide you with information that is slightly different, but more suitable to the situation:

This logfile will provide you with the following information:

Id: The number of the edit that was made. Each edit has a unique, consecutive number.

LogId: The number in which log the edit is registered.

Action: What kind of action was taken? (delete or edit).

DateTime: The moment the record was mapped to the database.

ModifiedDate: The moment the action was performed.

UserId: The code of the user that performed the modification.

UserStamp: The name the user that performed the action is currently user for his account.

TotalRecords: The total amount of records that was involved.

SucceedRecords: The amount of records that was successfully modified.

FailedRecords: The amount of records that were not successfully modified.

Message: A description of what happened to a record.

UniqueId: The unique number (sys_respondentId) of the record that got modified.

CreatedOn: The created on is left blank as it is currently not relevant for this log.

All manual updates of records that take place within one day will fall under the same logreport.