If you are a more experienced user and you know a little more about programming than the average person, we offer you the possibility to access the code and alter an infographic or create your very own.

This article explains about the options the Code tab offers to help you create and modify your own custom infographic.

The Code tab is where the code of your image is represented. If you're savvy enough, you can even make alterations here, or create your own brand new custom infographic. Simply copy/paste the code of any svg file in the code tab and modify to your liking. 

To ensure that more experienced users can work faster, the fieldpicker shows two fieldtypes: 

1) A list of display points from the overview screen

2) A list of unused, but available output points - the tiles in the list in the datapoint screen.

When an option in the fieldpicker is chosen and available in the code as a "chip", the field should grey out. You will be able to choose it twice, but just as an indicator that it is in the graphic.

To look at your work in between edits, simply click the "refresh" button to actualize your code and view the display below.

As always, the save button is at the bottom of your screen to store your hard work!