After sending your e-mail invitation to your respondents. It’s totally understandable that you would like to know if your e-mails get send or not. In the steps below, you will be able so to see not only if your e-mails got send but when and what time they got send.

Table of contents:


In the main menu of you portal, you have the database (1.) and in this section you can find all your live projects and by clicking on Edit database(2.) you can see all database details. In the second tab (3.) you will find your data view and in this tab you will see all the columns of your project and the information that every column has.


Every column of your data view contains different information. To check if your e-mails got sent, it is necessary to search and find a specific column called sys_emailstatus.

About sys_emailstatus

In the column sys_emailstatus, you can see if your emails got sent. After your scheduler send the invites, this column is automatic filled in with a code such as: {"EmailSendDate":"2021-05-05T07:41:24.0598965Z","EmailSentStatus":1,"SchedulerId":26,"ListReminders":[{"ReminderSentDateTime":"2021-05-07T00:10:27.2714735Z","ReminderSequence":1},{"ReminderSentDateTime":"2021-05-09T00:10:23.7860665Z","ReminderSequence":2}]}.

To understand this code in an easy way, is necessary to read the information separately. Starting with the first information: “EmailSendDate":"2021-05-05T07:41:24. This information says that the e-mail was sent on 05/05/2021 at the time 07:41:24.

Please note that in this column, the system uses the following date format: YYYY/MM/DD.

"EmailSentStatus":1 means that the total amount of e-mails that was sent.

Please note: In the system all e-mail sequence send after the first invite, is called reminder and this means that the information “EmailSentStatus” will always be 1.

"SchedulerId":26 This information indicates the ID of the scheduler that sent the invite.

Please note: Since is possible to create several schedulers in one single project, for every scheduler created the system generate a unique ID number.

"ListReminders":[{"ReminderSentDateTime":"2021-05-07T00:10:27.2714735Z","ReminderSequence":1} Here you can find the date and time of the sent reminder and the reminder sequence. In this case the number 1 after the word “ReminderSequence” means that the first reminder was sent.

Please note: For every reminder sent, the system will automatically add the information with the date, time and the order of the reminder sequence.

Sort the column sys_emailstatus

As you might know, the information in your data base is shown randomly. So, if you would like to check if the e-mails of your most recently records got send, you just need to click 2x in the name of the column and your records will be sort from the most recent to the less recent.

Please note: In your data page you see 20 records per page, which means that by sorting your column from the most recent to the less recent records, you will see in the first page the mots 20 recent records and to keep seeing the other records, is necessary for to move for the next page.

Filtering database columns

In case you would like to see if your e-mails from a particular date got send, you can always filter the column “sys_createdon” this column indicates when your record were created. To filter the column is very simple, you just need to click on the filter symbol presents after the column name, choose the option “is equal to” and open the calendar of the filter to choose the date.

Empty sys_emailstatus

If your column sys_emailstatus is empty, this means that your e-mails did not get send. To know the possible reasons why your email didn’t get send, you can click here to got to the article “Why are my e-mails not sent?”.