You probably want to modify your portal to be more in line with your corporate identity then you are in the right article.

When you create your own CYS Portal, you probably want to customize it to your own liking. We get that. In that case, Portal management is the place to be.


You can change a multitude of items, starting with your Portal Settings, Look and Feel, Communication settings, Reporting Periods and Reporting KPI and Calculations. This article explains the different options available and how to use them.

Table of contents:

Select Management > Portal in your main menu (left side). This will automatically open the first tab, which is exactly where you need to be.

Portal Settings Tab

This first tab shows your Portal Settings, which include: Portal Name, Date Format, Time Format, Time zone 

You can add / change these specific fields.

  • Portal name
    The name you fill out here is used in your browser tab. You can use approximately 25 to 30 characters, depending on the browser you use. As soon as you are done filling it out, it will be applied in the tab you are working in. This gives you the opportunity to check and correct it to fit the tab. Please note: You can only use alphanumeric characters in this field, so no symbols, special characters or punctuation.
  • Date format
    You can select the way you want dates to be displayed. We have several options available in a dropdown, simply click the one you like.
  • Time format
    The same goes for the time format: select your preferred way of displaying times.
  • Time zone You can indicate the time zone that you want to apply to your portal. You are able to scroll through the dropdown list, but by typing keywords you can quickly search this list. 

Done! Looking for the Save button? No need. All your changes will be saved automatically for you!

Look and Feel Tab

Another part of your Portal management is the tab where you can customize the look and feel of your portal. There are three main areas in the Look and Feel tab:

  • Colour settings
  • General portal settings
  • Look and feel settings

The top area gives you the option to select the colors which are classified as: primary color, secondary color, highlight color and miscellaneous color. 

The middle area you can choose the general portal settings:

  • Menu background image:
    You can select an image to be your background image of your portal menu.
  • Menu background color:
    You can choose the background color for your portal menu.
  • Menu font color:
    You can choose the font colour for your portal menu.
  • Opacity Setting:
    You can choose the best opacity for the background image.
  • Logo:
    You can add the logo of your company which will be placed at the left side of your portal. The recommended size for this image is: 120px by 45px.
  • Favicon Settings: 
    You can add your logo, and this will be placed at the top left from the tab of your browser.

The bottom left area displays the Look and Feel settings. There are two items you can adjust here:

  • Sidebar Image:
    When activated, this will apply a background image to your main menu. It will use the image that is added to your Sidebar images, which are displayed in the bottom right area in the example above.  After added a background image, once you toggle the Sidebar Image off only the color filter will be displayed. When activating the Sidebar image, the menu background image (selected in General portal settings) will be loaded.

The image will be centered.

  • Fixed NavBar:
    When activated, your top menu (with quick access to your notifications, languages and profile) will be locked in place. Even when scrolling down, they will stay within reach.

All the settings that you adjust will be automatically saved. Do you want to start over? Simply click on Reset to default at the bottom of your page and start again!

Communication settings Tab

The communication settings of your portal are by default setup with a (no-reply) email address in the same format as your portal URL. When emails are sent from your portal, such as email invites to respondents or activation mails to your users, they are sent from this default email address.

So if you want the sender email to be an actual email address of your company, you first need to verify the domain. To set this up, click on ‘Add email’ at the top right corner of the screen. 

You are asked to fill out the same information, but now you are able to add your own custom email address for the sender email.

Click Create to confirm. This will add your custom domain as a new entry in the list, including two buttons behind it. 

You now need to verify this email domain in order to be able to use it. Use the Download button to download a configuration file. Provide this configuration file to the system administrator of your email domain so they can add it. Once this is done, use the Verify button to activate the email domain in your portal. If it is successful, you will see the green ‘Verified’ text. The inserted email address is now automatically added and available: 

In the action column you can delete an email address that you no longer wish to use. With the edit pencil you can update the details, and indicate if that email address should by default be used as the sender email towards respondents (Data Collection) or users of your portal (Portal communication). 


Finally, on the Active/Inactive column switch the email address to active to ensure it is available in your Personal invite scheduler in the dropdown for Sender email, and your custom email domain is ready to be used!

Reporting Periods Tab

The reason we have this tab "Reporting Periods tab" here is for the reporting purpose. There are two selections (Reporting years and Reporting periods)  you will have to choose. They are as follows.

  • Reporting years
  • Reporting period

This functionality will let you create a selection of years and periods that the system will use for when reporting. This option can be found in the portal management section of your software.

Why can you find this here? Well first of all you need to lay some ground rules for your reporting that are applied throughout the entire portal. By setting up your reporting periods, you are identifying some parameters within which reports can be set up.

First off you can select the definitions of the years you want to be able to report in. This may sound a little strange at first, but we actually use many different ways to define a year, all because of different reasons. Think for example of a calendar year, a fiscal year or a scholastic year. We offer a wide variety from which you can make a selection and we have even made a preselection for you of the most commonly used formats.

Reporting years:

Simply click on the + icon beside Reporting Years and a pop up opens up.

Make a selection by clicking on the options in the column on the left (available years) and you will see them appear in the column on your right (selected years).

If you want to deselect them, go to the right column and click on the x behind the definition you wish to remove. Click on the button "Add" to save and you will see them appear in the overview in your Reporting Periods tab.

The same goes for the reporting periods. You can of course report on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, but we also offer other options, such as a 3 months or 6 months reporting period.

Reporting frequencies:

Again, we made a preselection for you, but if you wish to make alterations to this list press + to open up the selection screen and make a selection in the column on the left (available frequencies).

Simply click on the + icon beside Reporting period and select by clicking on the options in the column on the left (available frequencies) and you will see them appear in the column on your right (selected frequencies).

Delete frequencies from your selected frequency column to the right by clicking on the x behind the frequencies you want to remove and click on the button "Add" to embed them in the reporting periods tab overview screen.

When you’re done setting up your reporting periods, press save to apply them throughout your portal.

Reporting KPI and Calculations Tab

The final tab is the Reporting KPI and Calculations tab in customizing your portal. Why do you find this here? Well first of all you need to lay some ground rules for your reporting that are applied throughout the entire portal. By setting up in what way you would like to calculate, what KPI’s you use throughout your business and which formulas are common for your organization, you are identifying some parameters within which reports can be set up.

Using the Reporting KPI and Calculations method you can select those calculations that the system will present to you in reporting. You can make a preselection here from a wide variety of calculation methods. For instance. Does your company use the Customer Effort Score(CES) 5 of 7 point scale and is it being calculated to index or average? Does your company use standardized Top 2 or Top 3 reporting? CYS has already made a default selection for you, but you are free to customize it to your standards.

You can select those calculations that the system will allow in reporting. You can make a preselection here from a wide variety of calculation methods.

Select by clicking on the options in the column on the left (available calculations) and you will see them appear in the column on your right (selected calculations).

If you want to deselect them, go to the right column and click on the x behind the definition you wish to remove. Click on button "Add" and you will see them appear in the overview in your Reporting KPI and Calculations tab.

When you’re done setting up your reporting KPI’s and Calculations, press save to apply them throughout your portal.