To enrich your data with predetermined values, such as email addresses and names of the respondents, products they bought, areas they live in, or services they used, you can do an import of the data that is already known to you and that you wish to add to the data you gather by means of your questionnaire.

Table of contents:

Choosing an import source

Before you import your data it is imperative that you make a decision on how you want your data to be delivered. We offer 3 possible sources depending on what way you wish to deliver your data.

  • Via manual upload
  • Via SFTP
  • Via an API connection

Once you have this cleared up, please Go to the Import section of your Data Garden. In the top right corner, click “Add import source” and a carousel will open up on your screen. Depending on the choice you have made earlier, you are able to pick a matching import source and give it a name.

For more information on setting up an import source, please check out this article

Setting up the framework for your import

Next we are going to set up the framework for your import. What will an import file look like? What columns are in there and in what order? What are the names of the columns. For this we need to go to the Definitions tab.

There are two ways to set up the framework of your import source:

  • By importing the excel file format you will be importing
  • By creating the columns manually

For the first option you can simply click on the grey area and upload your import file. The structure of that file will then be copied to the import source.

You can also choose to create columns manually. By clicking on the button " + Add column definition". However, this functionality is particularly helpful if at a later stage you would like to add a definition to your import source, if your import file has changed for instance. Please do note that the way the columns are written down match the way they are offered exactly, or the file will not be recognized.

For more information on setting up the framework for an import, please check out this article

Setting up rules on import

Once you have set up the framework, you will see that you have gotten access to multiple new tabs. One of these is the Rules on Import tab. You can use these rules as an extra security measure to make sure that the correct file gets imported. Using this rule for instance you can determine that only files with a specific name, or of a specific format or file size may be imported. Or only files that were created after a certain date.

For more information on setting up rules on import, please check out this article

Importing files

If you have the type of import source, the structure of the file and the conditions they need to meet in place, you are ready to import your files. This is done on the File Sources tab.

If you have chosen to manually upload your data, you can do so in the same way you have set up the framework of your import source: by clicking on the grey area and selecting the actual file you wish to upload.

For more information on manual uploads, please check out this article

If you have chosen for an automated import via SFTP, then you’ll need to set up the SFTP details first. After you’ve got the form filled out, you can flip the switch at the top of the form to “on”. Every 5 minutes, the software will check the sftp location if a file matching the requirements you set up is present and it will automatically import it.
 Please make sure that after a file is processed, you have a rule on your sftp in place that changes the name of the file on the sftp server and a rule in the software to skip the file if it contains that name, or else the file will be recognized and imported every 5 minutes.

For more information on uploads via SFTP, please check out this article

There you’re done. Make sure the button on the widget itself is switched to “active” and you can start importing data. If you wish to check if an import has been successful or not, please check the Log to look at the status.