Sometimes you want more detail in the vizualization of your data within your chart other than exposed over an x or y axis. In this case you can choose to group and bundle your data 

Table of contents:

Setting up grouping

If you want to perform grouping over a set of data in a chart, the place to set this up is the "Detail View" section on the Look & Feel tab of your Settings. Here you will find two radio buttons. Default settings are always set to "None" but if you would like to show grouping details into your graph, you can set the radio button to "Grouped".

As soon as you have selected the "Grouped" Detail View, new selection options will appear on the Display Points tab, right underneath the section for the category axis display point information.

You can choose to group your data by periods (as determined by the smart period filter in your dashboard settings) or to group your data based on a different variable you can select from the database.

Grouping over periods

If you already decided you wanted to report a compare (category axis) over a calculation (for instance the calculation of an NPS compared over different regions), you could add more detail to it by grouping them over periods.

In this case, you would select the radio button for "Periods from Dashboard". This means that the comparison of the NPS between the different regions will be grouped according to the period in the dashboard. (so monthly, weekly, yearly, etc.)

When you select this option, a new selection box appears, also labelled "Periods from Dashboard". This field is a numeric field and you can state over how many periods you would like the grouping to take place.

Grouping over variables

Now let's say you decided you wanted to report a period compare (category axis) over a calculation (for instance the calculation of an NPS over time). You could add more detail to it by grouping them over another variable such as different Regions. 

In this case, you would select the radio button for "Select variable". This means that the comparison of the NPS over time will be grouped according to the database variable of your choice.

When you select this option, a new selection box appears, also labelled "Grouped". This field is a dropdown field containing all of your database definitions. Here you choose over what variable you would like the grouping to take place.


As an example please have a look at the following different graphs.

This is a column chart visualizing the NPS compared between different regions and grouped per period.

This is a column chart visualizing the NPS trend over time and grouped per region.