This article contains information about the Priority Matrix. Getting insights about areas where to improve your customer satisfaction, loyalty or effort scores will help you to improve your customer relations.

Table of contents:


A priority matrix is a graph that shows a client what aspects of a company need improvement to increase their KPI. (NPS, CSAT, CES, EPS)
From the Priority Matrix, a client can determine what aspects need to be nurtured, what is frowned upon by their respondents and what are quick wins to get higher scores in the future.

When filling out a questionnaire according to the 3 question method (KPI, comment box, root cause question), a respondent is asked to give a score concerning his/her satisfaction or loyalty, followed by a description to motivate that score. Since we can’t report on open ended questions/comment questions, we then ask the respondent to place that comment question in one of a list of pre-defined categories and subcategories.

For example

Question: Based on your latest contact with us, to what degree would you recommend us to friends/family/colleagues?
Answer: 6

Question: You rated us with a 6. Can you tell us what you feel needs to be improved for you to grade us higher in the future?
Answer: All of the actions around my purchase were performed correctly, however there was no greeting, no pro-active offering of help or thank you after my purchase. I felt like a number.

Question: Could you tell us in what category your previous answer fits best?
Answer: Main root cause = employee, secondary rootcause (sub answer) = customer friendliness


The priority matrix calculates the NPS and shows to what degree the primary and/or secondary rootcauses are of influence on that score.

The y axis is the range of the main KPI
The x axis shows the percentile division of the rootcauses.
The x and y axis cross at the NPS score and the percentile division of the rootcauses

For example

We look at the priority matrix from a perspective of the main root cause at the Priority Matrix
The NPS is -3
There are 4 main category rootcauses.
The x and y axis cross at 25% (horizontally) and -3 (vertically)

We look at the priority matrix from a perspective of the secondary rootcause (of the main rootcause “Employee”)
The NPS is -3
There are 3 sub category rootcauses defined under the primary rootcause (Employee)
 The x and y axis cross at 33.3% (horizontally) and -3 (vertically)


The dots in the matrix represent the rootcauses and the impact they have on the score. For each rootcause the average KPI is calculated as well as the number of times it has been given as a reason for that KPI, so how much percent that rootcause is responsible for the total answers.

For example:

Upon hoovering over the dot representing the rootcause “product”, it displays the values 0/24.98
This means that if we take all of the respondents that chose “product” as their reason for recommendation (or not), they are responsible for an NPS of 0
This means that a 0 is higher than the overall NPS of -3, so in general “the product” is of a positive influence on the NPS.

The percentage of times the rootcause “product” was chosen is 24.98. If all respondents had an equal division of rootcauses over their answers, this would have been 1/4th of all answers. 24.98 is slightly less than 25%, so respondents value the “product” slightly less often than on average as a reason for being a promotor/detractor.


The x and y axis crossing create 4 quadrants.

All rootcauses that are situated in the top right corner are chosen more often as a reason and they are responsible for a higher NPS. Therefore these are the aspects of a company that need to be built upon.

All rootcauses that are situated in the top left corner are chosen less often as a reason, yet they are responsible for a higher NPS. These are the aspects of a company that need to be retained.

All rootcauses that are situated in the bottom left corner are chosen less often as a reason, and they are responsible for a lower NPS. These are the aspects of a company that need to be guarded.

 All rootcauses that are situated in the bottom right corner are chosen more often as a reason, yet at the same time they are responsible for a lower NPS. These are the aspects of a company that need to be picked up on and improved.

Widget setup

When setting up the Priority Matrix widget, you first select the project and define the KPI that is being evaluated. (NPS/CES/CSAT/EPS) as well as the column in your database that holds the KPI information. Just like a regular widget reporting on a KPI.

In addition however you need to define the columns that hold your primary and secondary reasons that are connected to that KPI. These values will determine the dots/labels in the graph.

Sometimes a client chooses not to make use of the rootcause page, but to utilize 2 single response pages. In that case, these twoo single response pages will be connected in the “main category” and “sub category”.

 If you click on a specific dot/label within the graph, you are able to see all separate records that are included in that category. They will be displayed underneath the graph. By entering the columns matching the desired information you’d like insights into (most commonly used: sys_completeddate, KPI, Comment Box), the client can determine the information that is shared on a deeper level