One-time Password (OTP)

CYS strives to ensure the highest level of safety and convenience for our customers. That's why we're proud to announce a major update to our login process, designed to improve data security and streamline portal access.

What has changed?

We have introduced a new login system with one-time passwords (OTP) for users. This update replaces the traditional username and password login method that was previously in use.

Important benefits:

  • Improved security: Since one-time passwords are generated for one-time use and expire after a short time, unauthorized use of an account or theft of account data is made much more difficult..
  • Easy to use: A one-time password offers employees a quick and easy way to access their environment in a fast, intuitive way, without having to remember complex passwords.
  • Efficiency: Entering a one-time password is easier than a complex password, especially for mobile app users, and therefore results in fewer password-related errors.

One time password login process:

1) On the login page of your portal, enter the email address you normally use to log in. Click on “Sign in”

2) Then click on “Send verification code”. A code will now be sent to the email address you are trying to log in with

3) You will now receive an email in your mailbox containing the code, with the sender This email will look like this:

4) Copy the code from the email into the appropriate field and click on “Verify code”. If the code has expired, or you are afraid that you have not received it, you can send a new code to yourself with “Send new code”.

If the code is correct, you can log in with the “Continue” button. This code replaces your password, so you don't have to remember it in the future. A new code is created every time you log in to the portal.

Frequently asked questions:

Q: Do I no longer have to enter a password?
A: The one-time password replaces the password. So you no longer have to create, enter and remember complex passwords..

Q: The logo, background and colors look different on my login screen than in the preview.
A: Each portal has its own corporate identity. We have reflected this corporate identity on the login page. Each portal has its own customized login page.

Q: How long is the code valid? How much time do I have to enter the code from the email in the login screen?
A: A one-time password remains valid for 30 minutes after request.

Q: Can I also have the code sent to another email address?
A: The one-time password is a verification of the email address with which the user logs in. This checks whether the person who logs in is actually the person who is entitled to access. Therefore, only this email address can receive the code.

Q: Can I also log in to my mobile app via OTP?
A: Logging in to the mobile app or the Experience app is done in exactly the same way.

Q: My colleague logs in in a different way, but with a password. How is this possible?
A: We have separated the login method based on the user type. Users who have access to the most sensitive data go through an extra security step via Multifactor Authentication.

Q: Why do I have to log in again? I don’t remember having logged off?
A: One of the security measures we have implemented automatically logs users off if they are inactive in the portal for an extended period of time. This means that an unmanaged account cannot be misused.

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