Since you may not be able to download the CYS app to a personal device, we offer the same functionalities of the CYS Mobile app in a segment within the portal itself. When accessing this menu in your portal, we like to refer to it as the "Experience App" This article will give you a quick overview and a short introduction to the main items.

When opening the Experience App, you will arrive on the Experience app overview screen. The main menu that is situated at the bottom of your moblie app can be found on the left-hand side in the web-browser.

There are four sub-items, namely Project & Planning, Forms & Checklists, Blogs and Dashboards. 


Project & Planning (in app: Projects):  In the project & Planning tab, you'll have access to the questionnaires, audits or checklists that are relevant to you, during the designated period that the data needs to be collected. Every project will indicate a start and end date of the data collection period, and even a minimum or exact quota (number of completely filled out questionnaires) that needs to be collected. The questionnaires assigned to you in this section can be opened and resumed at any later moment within the project duration. Once the data collection period is over, the project automatically disappears from your app. More details can be found here

Forms & Checklists  (in app: Forms): In the forms & checklist tab, you'll have access to the questionnaires, audits or checklists that are relevant to you, for as long as they are published to you. There is no specific start or end date defined, nor a quota that needs to be met. The questionnaires are available to you whenever you need them. More details can be found here.

Please note: The questionnaires assigned to you via this section can't be resumed at a later moment. Therefore, you need to complete these questionnaires in one go. 


Blogs:  In the blog section you can read the blog posts that have been published by your manager and/or colleagues. Mainly it is used to share relevant news, ideas, or any other type of information that might be relevant for you. More details can be found here.

Dashboards: In this section you can find dashboard display(s). A dashboard gives you a quick overview of key information which is relevant for you to get a new perspective of your business or a project. More details can be found here.