Release notes April 2021

This week an updated version of the CYS software will be released. This update includes a variety of new features, improvements, and fixes.

Portal management – User management

  • Administrators can now actively reset password for users through user management

Portal management - Look and Feel

  • Favicon now also shows on respondent side

General - Personal settings

  • Messages in your notifications screen are sorted from new to old
  • File size limits have been applied to profile images
  • Improvements have been made to the Swedish, Thai and Dutch language

Projects - Questionnaire

  • Using a hyperlink with additional background variables now also works if the startpage is inactive
  • Fixed a language issue where the language file was not updated with the proper labels

Projects - Schedulers

  • When copying a project or scheduler, the creator name of the copied widget is shown as the person who copied the widget

Data garden - Blacklist

  • You are now able to import large amounts of email addresses to your blacklist or exclusion list 
  • Imports no longer generate an automatic export of blacklisted records

Data garden - Database

  • The “number” field in the input form questionnaire is now treated as numeric data, making it easier to perform calculations with this data
  • Improved the way the sys_updated column is stored

Dashboard - Datagrid

  • The column sys_respondentID can now be added to a data grid without issues
  • When exporting the data to Excel, the headers now keep their name as shown in the data grid
  • When exporting to Excel, grouping and sort order remain intact
  • When exporting to Excel, incomplete records are no longer accidentally exported as well
  • The message "Your export will soon be ready" remains longer visible for better reading
  • The data grid export link now remains valid for 24 hours and the clickable link is now clearly visible

Dashboard - General

  • Moving the tab order has been made easier by adding a drag and drop function; changing the name of the tabs has been made easier
  • The dashboard selection colors now match the portal colors and the current tab is highlighted upon opening the dropdown
  • It is now possible to use longer tab names, the complete name is visible
  • The dashboard now always opens at the top in the experience app

Dashboard – Reporting widgets and calculations

  • Tables and grids now show new/active records next to completes when using a startdate/enddate
  • Growth and decline in svg widgets is now measured by absolutes instead of percentages
  • The MTD and YTD widgets bar that show the elapsed dates now show the last date of current reporting period

1 Comment

"The MTD and YTD widgets bar that show the elapsed dates now show the last date of current reporting period" This is great, now we eagerly hope to see the times new roman removed in favour of same font used everywhere else.

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