Release notes 01/09/2024

A new version of the CYS software has been released, in which we mainly focused on improvements and bugfixes for the Dashboard area of our software. The following items are included:


  • By updating the periods to display, it is now possible to create charts and tables that look back over 53 periods. This may be especially useful when setting up a chart or table that has a year's worth of data that is reported on per week. (#109722)
  • We optimized our dashboard filter. It all works a little more smooth now.
  • For unscalable calculations, such as sum, count or average, the fill of the bars in the top/bottom five/ten widgets were incorrect. They receive a complete fill in all cases now, to avoid any confusion.

User Management:

  • We noticed for a brief period of time it was no longer possible to delete existing groups in User Management. We immediately fixed this.