Release notes 04/07/2024 - v 6.10.10-rc.1

We are happy to announce some more updates to our CYS Software, this time mainly targeted towards reducing dashboard loading times. In addition we also fixed some specific client issues. The following items are included:

DataGrid Enhancements:

1. Improved DataGrid Performance (CSD-3817):

  • Issue: High load times due to combined queries in DataGrid API.
  • Resolution: Separated count and data queries, reducing load times from over 10 minutes to 4-5 seconds.
  • Benefit: Significantly faster DataGrid widget and PPModule report load times, enhancing user experience.

2. Removal of Unused CSS (CSD-3822):

  • Issue: Unused CSS in the data-grid-widget component increased load times and build size.
  • Resolution: Removed unnecessary CSS.
  • Benefit: Smoother user experience and faster load times for the DataGrid widget.

3. Reliable DataGrid Exports (SN-1473):

  • Issue: Users were unable to export DataGrid data due to null result handling issues.
  • Resolution: Ensured null results are handled correctly during DataGrid export.
  • Benefit: Consistent and reliable data export functionality, enhancing data management capabilities.

4. Efficient Copy and Move Actions (CSD-3786):

  • Issue: Unnecessary DataGrid API calls during copy/move actions.
  • Resolution: Modified code to skip redundant API calls.
  • Benefit: Faster and more efficient copy/move operations, enhancing user productivity.

5. Improved Dashboard Load Times Related to DataGrid (SN-1460):

  • Issue: Slow dashboard loading times due to DataGrid API calls.
  • Resolution: Created separate flow for DataGrid API calls.
  • Benefit: Significantly faster dashboard load times, improving user experience.

Dashboard Speed and Performance:

1. Optimized API Calls (CSD-3823):

  • Issue: Duplicate API calls in bar/column chart widgets caused inefficiencies.
  • Resolution: Prevented extra API calls and optimized export functionality.
  • Benefit: Improved performance and reduced redundancy, leading to faster and more reliable chart data exports.

2. Efficient Dashboard Loading (CSD-3824):

  • Issue: Unnecessary API calls from the setting component slowed down dashboard load times.
  • Resolution: Prevented the setting component from loading on dashboard load, stopping redundant API calls.
  • Benefit: Quicker dashboard loading times, providing a more seamless user experience.

3. Optimized Dashboard Queries (CSD-3819, CSD-3453):

  • Issue: SQL queries for widgets like YTD, MTD, QTD were taking too long.
  • Resolution: Added indexes and optimized queries for these widgets.
  • Benefit: Faster query execution, resulting in more responsive dashboards.

4. Index Management for Filters (SN-1398):

  • Issue: Indexes were not added automatically when filters changed.
  • Resolution: Ensured indexing messages are correctly processed.
  • Benefit: Improved performance and accuracy of filtered data in dashboards.

User Specific Bugfixes:

1. Improved User Role Management (SN-1468):

  • Issue: User roles were not matching user types during the initial load of the user tile.
  • Resolution: Adjusted logic to ensure roles dropdown displays correctly based on selected user type.
  • Benefit: Accurate role assignment, simplifying user management and reducing administrative errors.

2. Accurate Data Display in Priority Matrices (CSD-3885):

  • Issue: Popups in priority matrices were not showing data after recent performance improvements.
  • Resolution: Modified backend to ignore outdated filters, ensuring data is displayed correctly.
  • Benefit: Accurate and complete data display in priority matrices, aiding in better decision-making.

3. Chronological Order for Time Periods (SN-1474):

  • Issue: Time periods in dashboards were not shown in chronological order.
  • Resolution: Updated logic to set correct period values, ensuring chronological display.
  • Benefit: Easier data interpretation and analysis with correctly ordered time periods.

4. Role based push reports (CSD-3887):

  • Issue: In some cases style elements like svg's and graphs weren't uploaded to the pdf version of the report.
  • Resolution: Externalized the process and code by which the pdf pushreports are generated.
  • Benefit: Accurate and complete data display in both pptx and pdf reports aiding to improved data accessibility.